
3 Button sizes, 28 color variations, all fully flexible and can easily link to a lightbox. Marvelous!

[column_break][column_break][one_half][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”black” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”black” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”black” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”blue” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”blue” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”blue” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”green” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”green” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”green” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”grey” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”grey” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”grey” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”navy” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”navy” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”navy” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][/one_half][one_half][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”white” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”white” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”white” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”teal” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”teal” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”teal” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”red” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”red” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”red” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”purple” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”purple” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”purple” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”orange” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”orange” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”orange” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][/one_half][column_break][one_half][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”autumn” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”autumn” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”autumn” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”black-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”black-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”black-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”blue-grey” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”blue-grey” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”blue-grey” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”cool-blue” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”cool-blue” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”cool-blue” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”coffee” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”coffee” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”coffee” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”fire” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”fire” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”fire” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”golden” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”golden” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”golden” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”green-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”green-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”green-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”lime-green” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”lime-green” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”lime-green” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][/one_half][one_half][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”teal-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”teal-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”teal-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”teal-grey” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”teal-grey” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”teal-grey” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”sky-blue” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”sky-blue” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”sky-blue” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”silver” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”silver” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”silver” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”royal-blue” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”royal-blue” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”royal-blue” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”red-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”red-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”red-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”purple-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”purple-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”purple-2″ target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”pink” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”pink” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”pink” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”periwinkle” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Jumbo Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”large” color=”periwinkle” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Large Button [/button][button url=”#” size=”small” color=”periwinkle” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Small Button [/button][/one_half][column_break][column_break]

[button url=”#” size=”jumbo” color=”green” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”http://s3.truethemes.net/theme-xml-content/wp-sterling/celebrating-success.jpg” lightbox_description=”Sterling – Ultra Responsive WordPress Theme”] I’m a flexible button that links to a lightbox. Go ahead, give me a click… [/button]



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.


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